Somerville Art’s Council: Sophia Ainslie, February Artist of the Month

February, 2013

A collision of x-rays / sketches / maps, often addressing absence / loss / what’s left, Sophia Ainslie’s large-scale productions envelope viewers in a ravishing shock of severed shapes encountering one another to create new form.

Sophia’s most recent awards include, an invitation to attend an International residency program in South Africa at NIROX Foundation, the Artist’s Resource Trust Grant, the Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship for Painting, and The Drawing Center Registry Program. Her work has most recently been displayed at the Kingston Gallery, Carol Schlosberg Gallery, Brant Gallery, and Spoke Gallery. Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Sophia Ainslie currently lectures at Northeastern University.

Can you give a brief overview of what you do?

I work between drawing and painting on paper, and, directly on the wall. I work with water based mediums like acrylic, Flashe and India ink. I’m interested in relationships—body and land, absence and presence, mark making against flat paint.

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