The Huntington News: Crawler creation, by Bobby Feingold

March, 2007
Visual arts professor Sophia Ainslie opened her “Crawlers 6” art exhibit March 9 at the Kingston Gallery in the South End. Northeastern students helped with its installation.

Worms, drawn in charcoal, are crawling across walls, overlapping and suffocating each other. Pieces of billboard posters and film are tangled around the two-dimensional insects while the background is strewn with bits of Astroturf. “Crawlers 6,” an art exhibit by Northeastern professor Sophia Ainslie, opened March 9 at the Kingston Gallery in the South End and is the sixth and largest incarnation of her “Crawlers” exhibit. “As a kid, I would play with ants and worms,” said Ainslie, who grew up in South Africa. “Actually, I still play with ants and worms,” she added jokingly. The inspiration for her work grew from the artist’s interest in nature and recycling. Her 2005 exhibit, “Tide,” which included old detergent bottles gathered into a spilling cascade of trash, was described by The Boston Globe as having risen like a “junkyard daisy.” Ainslie has since adopted that phrase as her moniker.


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